Outdoor Audiences Rise as Melbourne Emerges from Lockdown

With numbers coming out of DYNAMiQ over the last couple of weeks, especially around the significant increase in audiences returning in Melbourne, AdNews were keen to dive a little deeper on what the data is telling us in terms of how quickly audiences are heading back outside and what the future might hold. Our QMS Chief Strategy Officer, Christian Zavecz sat down with AdNews to help break down the data further.


Victorian outdoor audiences have risen dramatically as Melbourne re opens following the end of the second pandemic lockdown.

The latest week of audience data from DYNAMiQ, the data insights platform from QMS, shows the bounce back across Melbourne is significantly stronger than the end of the first lockdown.

Victorian audiences increased 35% week-on-week. In the CBD it was up by 58% which is a 65% faster return rate.

Major Arterials increased week-on-week by 37%, which is 4% faster than the total Victorian increase.

“By way of contrast, this huge bounce back in only a week has already put audience numbers back to where they were prior to the commencement of the second lockdown in July, highlighting just how eager Melbournians have been to break out of lockdown and continue to live their lives in the new COVID normal world,” says Christian Zavecz, QMS chief strategy officer.

What’s more promising, is that once the return to work restrictions lift further, hopefully later this month (with various guidelines and measures in place), we expect audience numbers to continue to spike further, as Melbournians begin to settle into traditional travel routines.
  • Christian Zavecz - QMS Chief Strategy Officer

In the rest of Australia, outdoor audiences continue to grow.

“It’s pleasing to see audiences in other markets have also continued to grow, with 82% of Australians back outdoors (excluding Victoria).

This figure jumps to 87% for those aged 21-39.

“Audiences in WA are at levels beyond those seen prior to COVID, whilst QLD, NSW and SA are showing steady week on week growth, prompting greater faith and usage amongst advertisers,” says Zavecz.